STOP GLOBAL WARMING (at least) Kurangi Pemanasan Global

Kali ini aku ga bakal bahas tentang musik, avril, melow2an bareng puisi dll. Tapi aku mau menyadarkan (kaya mbah dukun) tentang apa yang akan terjadi dimasa depan kalo kita tetep ga care sama lingkungan, ga nangguing-nanggung kerusakannnya seperti:

1. Great Barrier Reef mungkin akan hilang dalam 20 tahun

Great Barrier Reef akan begitu rusak oleh pemanasan air yang akan diketahui dalam waktu 20 tahun. Charlie Veron, mantan kepala ilmuwan Australian Institute of Marine Science, mengatakan kepada The Times: "Tidak ada jalan keluar, tidak ada celah. Great Barrier Reef akan berakhir dalam waktu 20 tahun atau lebih "Sekali karbon dioksida telah memukul tingkat diperkirakan untuk antara 2030 dan 2060, semua terumbu karang yang ditakdirkan untuk punah., Katanya. "Mereka akan ekosistem global pertama di dunia runtuh. Saya mendapat dukungan dari setiap ilmuwan terumbu karang, setiap organisasi penelitian. Saya sudah bicara dengan mereka semua. Ini penting. Ini adalah kenyataan ".

2. Hutan Hujan Amazon dapat berubah menjadi gurun

Dipenuhi dengan jutaan spesies dan seperlima dari air segar dunia, Amazon adalah hutan tropis terbesar di dunia. Namun, pemanasan global dan penggundulan hutan yang membalikkan peran hutan sebagai penyerap karbon, mengubah 30-60% dari hutan hujan menjadi savana kering. Proyeksi menunjukkan hutan bisa hilang sepenuhnya pada tahun 2050.

3. Gurun Sahara bisa menjadi hijau

Para ilmuwan melihat sinyal bahwa gurun Sahara dan daerah sekitarnya penghijauan karena curah hujan meningkat. Jika berkelanjutan, hujan ini bisa merevitalisasi daerah yang dilanda kekeringan, reklamasi mereka bagi masyarakat pertanian. Tren gurun-menyusut didukung oleh model iklim, yang memprediksi kembali ke kondisi yang mengubah Sahara menjadi padang rumput yang subur sekitar 12.000 tahun yang lalu.

Nah lhoo!!! Amazon sama Sahara tukeran, NGERI banget kan?

4. Badai akan menjadi lebih menghancurkan dari Katrina

Belum ditentukan apakah Katrina terkait dengan pemanasan global. Namun ada indikasi bahwa pemanasan global akan menghasilkan lebih Kategori 5 badai - dan Katrina hanya Kategori 4 ketika menghantam Louisiana. peramalan menunjukkan badai masa depan menjadi lebih parah karena naiknya suhu permukaan laut. Pemanasan global juga membuat badai lebih destruktif dengan menaikkan permukaan laut, yang menyebabkan banjir pantai yang lebih serius. (Menurut EPA, kenaikan dua kaki akan menelan sepotong AS lebih besar dari Massachusetts.)

5. London mungkin hilang air pada tahun 2100

Hal ini tidak hanya terumbu karang dan dataran rendah pulau-pulau yang berada di bawah ancaman dari pemanasan global. Bahkan, ancaman utama bagi daerah perkotaan besar yang beresiko akhirnya menjadi terendam air. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perubahan permukaan air laut yang terjadi saat pemanasan global terjadi, sehingga di kota-kota pantai yang hancur oleh banjir. Puluhan kota-kota di dunia, termasuk London dan New York, bisa dibanjiri , menurut penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa pemanasan global akan meningkatkan permukaan air laut lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan sebelumnya. London adalah salah satu ibu kota utama dunia beresiko tinggi dari jenis banjir, seperti digambarkan dalam tembakan dari 2007 film Banjir. Para ilmuwan mengatakan bahwa kota bisa berada di bawah air sedini dalam seratus tahun ke depan.

6.Hewan dapat menyusut

Pemanasan iklim dapat mendukung spesies kecil di atas hewan besar. Penelitian, berdasarkan analisis massa tubuh ikan, plankton, dan bakteri dalam ekosistem Eropa, datang hanya beberapa minggu setelah para ilmuwan melaporkan bahwa domba di sebuah pulau Skotlandia yang menyusut karena kondisi hangat.

Studi baru menunjukkan bahwa spesies individu kehilangan rata-rata 50 persen dari massa tubuh mereka selama 30 tahun terakhir. Ukuran tubuh berkurang adalah respon ekologi ketiga universal untuk pemanasan global. Sebuah studi sebelumnya menyarankan bahwa musim dingin yang lebih pendek dan lebih ringan berarti domba tidak perlu bulu sebanyak seperti dulu untuk bertahan hidup , suatu faktor yang juga dapat mempengaruhi populasi ikan. Namun para peneliti mengatakan pergeseran bisa mengubah rantai makanan, dengan predator puncak yang sangat terpengaruh oleh menyusut mangsa.

7. 2.000 pulau Indonesia mungkin hilang

Setidaknya 2.000 pulau kecil di seluruh kepulauan Indonesia mungkin hilang pada tahun 2030 sebagai akibat dari kegiatan penambangan yang berlebihan dan lingkungan yang merusak lainnya. Indonesia telah kehilangan 24 dari lebih dari 17.500 pulau.

8. Pemanasan global dapat meningkatkan terorisme

Pemanasan global dapat menggoyahkan "berjuang dan miskin" negara di seluruh dunia, mendorong migrasi massa dan menciptakan tempat berkembang biak bagi para teroris. Orang cenderung untuk lari ke negara stabil, dan beberapa mungkin beralih ke terorisme. Kondisi diperburuk oleh dampak perubahan iklim dapat meningkatkan calon potensial dalam kegiatan teroris. Menurut Ketua Dewan Intelijen Nasional di AS, pengungsi ekonomi akan melihat alasan tambahan untuk meninggalkan rumah mereka karena iklim lebih keras. Itu akan memberi tekanan pada negara-negara penerima pengungsi, banyak yang akan memiliki sumber daya maupun menjadi tuan rumah para imigran .

9. Alpen bisa meleleh sepenuhnya

musim kering dan musim panas yang disebabkan oleh pemanasan global, dan meskipun hujan salju di musim 2008-2009 ski sangat besar, beberapa tahun terakhir secara keseluruhan telah melihat salju kurang pada ketinggian yang rendah, dan surut gletser dan permafrost mencair lebih tinggi - dengan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kegiatan wisata musim dingin. Diperkirakan bahwa gletser akan hilang antara 2030 dan 2050. Italia dan Swiss telah memutuskan untuk redraw perbatasan mereka setelah pemanasan global terlarut gletser Alpine yang menandai perbatasan antara kedua negara.

10.Maladewa mungkin terendam

Negara dan flattest terendah di dunia adalah menderita erosi pantai, dan bisa tenggelam jika permukaan laut terus meningkat, dengan pulau-pulau tumbuh lebih kecil dan lebih kecil. Ini prediksi ekstrem adalah prospek yang meresahkan bagi warga dan berita buruk bagi wisatawan yang mengunjungi negara ini setiap tahun. Para ilmuwan memberikan hanya sekitar seratus tahun sebelum benar-benar menghilang ke laut sekitarnya.

 Wah pulau indah ini bakal ga ada?!!! Terus kamu mau pada kenapa kalo liburan atau honey moon??

Tolong jaga ini semua sobattt!!!!!
Tuhan bikin semua ini untuk dinikmati dan dijaga bukan untuk dirusak...

Tema blog aku emang ga ijo, tapi ijo bukan simbol care sama lingkungan kan?
Pesen dari aku, "Let Your Colors Burst" (Katy Perry)

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My Promises

The truth is i love you, i love you for who you are
It's a true love, Cry when you cry
It's a sincere love, Smile when you laugh
I lie to you, it's wrong but i don't wanna lose you

I'm always by your side, you're always by my side
So what's wrong with us? Are we doing fine?
It's okay when you don't realize it
Don't ever realize that, don't ever hate me

It's warm when i'm having you around me
It hurts when you said that i mean nothing to you
Well, you're everyting for me, so just here next to me
I promise i'll always protect you

i never break My promises, it's okay when you leave me
But i wanna you back, back to me, together with me
Having a chaotic innocent me, just love me like the way i love you
i love you because of you, i don't know what it feels like

Just get your dying eyes look at me, i just wanna hold you tight
You're the one i would die for, i would steal for
i'll do watever you want me to do
Just like a master and a houskeeper

I'm a slave for you, i can't help myself
I'm dying now, please look back at me
You're so beautiful, you're so wonderful
I can't stand it, the way you smile is killing me

You're the reason i've been searching for
You're the love i've been looking for
You're the heart i've been waiting for
You're the destiny i've been loving for

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I Wanna You to be Mine

I saw you with her, laugh together so whatever
I smile as i respire, feels like i'm a loser
He always makes me fly when he's holding my hand
It's still fresh in my mind you save me from the edge of the cliff

Break a brick for you, damn you're killing me
My love's for you, it kills me everyday
When I'm with you, a pathetic time
Your soul is somewhere i don't know

Do you know, i always think about you all day?
Do you know, you're the star i always look at
Do you know, you're the song i always sing
Do you know, you have my heart and you tear it apart?

You broke all your promises but i keep you believing
My love, I don't wanna let you down
Even though you do that all time, I cry when you cry
I won't hurt because of you, I smile when you smile

My eyes always stare you
My skin always feel your touch
My ears always listen to your voice
My nose is missing your smell, My lips always wanna talk to you

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Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts (Official Music Video)

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Cemara Kering

Berdiri rapuh didepan ruang tertinggi
Terlihat, diacuhkan, dibiarkan disini
Apa yang sebenarnya kau ingini?
Siapa yang tega menyakiti?

Hanya secercah harapan dari setetes air
Semua orang disini membiarkanmu sendiri
Itulah jawaban dari semua ini
Jawaban dari segala pertanyaan tadi

Cemara kering rapuh terombang ambing
Oleh angin yang berhembus membawa pasir
Butiran debu halus membuat enggan nafas ini
Menghirup si halus yang tadi

Seperti kami yang tidak tahu kemana harus pergi
Seperti aku yang tidak tahu arah angin
Tak tahu apa yang sedang aku cari
Malas berjuta malas membelenggu diri ini

Hentakan kaki malasku yang kecil
Membawa kepada kelas terpencil
Bunga rajin sedikit demi sedikit
Sedikit tumbuh dihati yang muda ini

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Travie McCoy feat Bruno Mars - When I'm A Billionare (Official Music Video)

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Paramore - Ignorance (Official Music Video)

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Paramore - The Only Exception (Official Music Video)

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VersaEmerge - Fixed At Zero (Official Music Video)

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Panic At The Disco - The Overture (Official Music Video)

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Paramore - Decode (Official Music Video)

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Paramore - Misery Business (Official Music Video)

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Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick (Official Music Video)

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Track By Track Commentary

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Paramore - Playing God (Official Music Video)

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Panic At The Disco - The Ballad Of Mona Lisa (Official Music Video)

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Bruno Mars - Grenade (Official Music Video)

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The Pretty Reckless - Just Tonight (Official Music Video)

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Girlfriend (Official Music Video)

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What The Hell (Official music Video)

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Unholy Love

One day in a town called the fallen hill, there  were two bestfriends named Lucifer and Eva. They’re loving each other. Monday morning, Lucifer comes to Eva’s house, they’ll go to school together.

Luke    :”Hey, Eve, hurry up, let’s go to school!” (Lucifer shout to Eva)
Eve      :”Wait a minute, here I come..” (Eva shout him back)
They’ve graduated and grow up and they’re adult. Lucifer calls Eva.
Luke    :”hey, Eve, it’s me.”
Eve      :”yeah, I know, what’s the matter?”
Luke    :”would you like to come to my house, we’ll have a dinner please?”
Eve      :”yeah, I’d love to, when?”
Luke    :”tomorrow, at 8 pm. Okay, see you tomorrow.”
Eve      :”alright, see ya.”

The next day at 8 pm. The door bell’s ringing. Eva comes to Lucifer’s house.
Lucifer opens up the door and he’s so glad that Eva comes to his house.

Luke    :”yes, wait!” (open up the door)
Eve      :”Hey, how are you Luke?”
Luke    :”I’m good. You?”
Eve      :”I’m great, so what we’ll we do?”
Luke    :”having a dinner for sure.”
Eve      :”what’s the menu?”
Luke    :”just check them out.”

They both are very happy, after dinner, laughing and having a great time. Lucifer begins to do his purpose.

Eve      :”uhm, it’s so delicious, love it!”
Luke    :”Thanks, uhm, may I talk to you about something serious?”
Eve      :”of course, what’s that? ” (with full mouth)

Lucifer ‘s on his knees, begging for a word “yes”, he porposes her with so sweet and beautiful ring’s in his hand. Saying sweet word.

Luke    :”would you marry me? Be the mother of my children and live with me forever?” (Luke’s saying softly and gently)
Eve      :”What? (Eva’s laughing) you gotta be kidding, or you’re tricking on me?”
Luke    :”no Eve, I’m serious. What’s your answer?” (he’s begging for a yes)
Eve      :”Obviously not, Luke. I do love you and I can’t live without you, but I won’t be your wife. I love you as a bestfriend or brother. I’m really sorry that I can’t.”
Luke    :”What? You brook me.” (frustrated voice)

The satans are whispering to Lucifer to kill Eva and give him a knife.
Satans say with the cruel voices.

Satan 1                        :” oh, you’ve been rejected. Don’t let her alive..”
Satan 2                        :” yeah, besides she won’t be your wife anyway.”
Satan 1                        :”stab her heart, rip her eyes, she hurted you!.”
Satan 2                        :”kill her, stab her, rip her!”
Satan 1                        :”stab her fifty times to make sure that she’s dead!”
Satan 2                        :” do that! do that! do that! do that! do that! do that! do that!”
Satan 1                        :”here’s the knife!”

            Lucifer killed Eva with a knife. He totally lose his mind, he’s so cruel.

Luke    :”you were never this beautiful , now you’re just so perfect. I can keep you looking young and preserved forever with the fountain to spray on your youth whenever. Uhm, what we’ll we do? Alright, I wanna sleep, you sleep here, baby.”

After 1 hours, Eva’s angry soul comes back from somewhere far beyond the grave, to reposes in the body , that Lucifer’d misbehaved. The same satans are next her. They’re whispering to Eva to kill Lucifer. Satans say with the cruel voices.

Satan 1                        :” he has turned you into a zombie, it’s time for revenge...”
Satan 2                        :” yeah, it’s time for avenged sevenfold.”
Satan 1                        :”stab his heart, rip his eyes!.”
Satan 2                        :”tear him apart, tear him down!”
Satan 1                        :”stab him 101 times to make sure that he’s dead!”
Satan 2                        :” do that! do that! do that! do that! do that! do that! do that!”
Satan 1                        :”here’s the knife!”

Eva killed Lucifer, the same way that Lucifer did to her and she turned him into a zombie.

Eve      :”you’re alive for the second time, what will you say?”
Luke    :”I realized the error of my ways, I must venture back to apologize.i gotta make up for what I’ve done.cause I was all up in a piece of heaven while you burned in hell no piece forever . I know it’s not your time, and a word to the wise when the fire dies you think it’s over but it’d just begun, so baby don’t cry, you have my heart, at least for the most part, we fell apart, let’s make a new start. I’m really sorry and I still want you to be my wife.”

Eva cries as she thinks, she hates Lucifer because he killed her, and killed her dream too, meanwhile she knows that Lucifer do that because He loves her so much, he won’t let other guy have her. Eva’s confused which way she has to choose.
Eva make sure that Lucifer will make her happy fo the rest of her unnatural life.
They’re looking in the eyes and holding hands, knowing what’s right to do in the future. Seriously, Eva forgives Lucifer, and trying to accept her, she already have lots of love for Lucifer, he always protects her, lives her life, bright her day, makes her smile and laugh, and kill her sadness with his fearless, that’s absolute.

Eve      :”what will you do?”
Luke    :”I’ll suffer for so long,.”
Eve      :”that’s not long enough. ”
Luke    :”we’ll make it up to you.”
Eve      :”I pray to god that you do.”
Luke    :”I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
Eve      :”well then I’ll break you unchained.”
Luke    :”and if it’s not enough, i’ll try again and again over and over again..”

            Finally, Eva is sure that Lucifer will make her happy for the rest of her unnatural life.
She’ll have all the Lucifer’s feature if she’s with him, and always with him.

Eve      :”we’ll live forever, let’s have a wedding.”

Lucifer and Eva are going to the church for having a wedding, they’re so happy. Unfortunately, there’s two brides are having a wedding. They make the wed of the brides chaotic.
The brides are saying the exchanging of words, and that makes Lucifer sick and Eva wanna puke.
Male Bride      :”I love you. ”
Female Bride   :”I love you too.”

The sound of screaming people make the brides and the pastor shocked. Everybody’s  panic. Eva and Lucifer killed all the people in the church and just left the pastor behind. Panic! At the wedding is on the scene!

Male Bride      :”what is that? ”
Female Bride   :”what’s going on? ”
Male Bride      :”calm down honey, I’ll always protect you!”
Female Bride   :”hey look, there are two zombies out there. ”
Luke                :”here we go honey!”
Eve                  :”let’s start the killing.”
Male Bride      :”get back, I’ll save you!”
Female Bride   :”okay, be careful!”
Luke                :”You can’t protect her, dude!”
Female Bride   :”911? Help!!! ” (holding her cellphone)
Eve                  :”that’s vain baby girl! ” (Eve got control)
Female Bride   :”You’re pathetic.”
Eve                  :”I’m not, you’re the pathetic one.”
            After the killing they’re looking for  a Pastor.

Luke                :”Have you done, sweetheart?.”
Eve                  :”yes, I have. ”
Luke                :”Let’s go to Pastor..”
Eve                  :”yeah!”

            They go straight to the Pastor. Ask the pastor to marry them.

Luke                :” marry us. ”
Pastor              :”i chime in with a haven’t you people ever heard of closing a Goddamn door?!”
Luke                :”no. ” (answer calmly)
Pastor              :”no? It’s much better than face these kinds of things, with no sense of poise       and rationality”.
Luke                :”oh shut up and let me correct it, i wanna live my life from a new perspective, you come along because i need your help, and i want you to marry us now!”
Pastor              :”but...!
Luke                :”who cares divine intervention, i wanna be praise from a new perspective, and stop talking now would be a good idea, so marry us then we’re getting out of here. ”
Pastor              :”whatever, are you ready young lady?”
Eve                  :”Yes!”

            The Pastor’s so wise and not afraid to Lucifer an Eva. And he marry them.

Pastor              :”do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?.”
Eve                  :”Yes, I do.”
Pastor              :”do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?.”
Luke                :”I do.. ”
Pastor              : “I now pronounce you.”

They are a couple husband and wife now. They finally killed the Pastor too. After their married they decided to go home.They have a small talk, talking about the future in Lucifer’s house.

Luke    :” i would wait and watch the hours fall in a hundred seperate lines, if  i’m always  with you.”
Eve      :”and we move along with some new passion knowing everything’s fine, you know what Luke?
Luke    :”what?.”
Eve      :”I perfectly love you.”
Luke    :”i love you too, more to the point i need to show, even though other plans fell through, i won’t put a heavy load on you.
Eve      :”i know there’s no more need be said, when you mean it and i won’t let you go.”
Luke    :”Promise?
Eve      :”I promise.
Luke    :”you know Eve, trust just like a mirror, once you brook it, you can’t fix it.
Eve      :”i know that, but we can still see the reflection on the crack, right? (Eva’s smiling)
Luke    :”okay, let me make it clear, i put my trust on you, so much trust, if you just throw it away, i won’t believe you anymore.”
Eve      :”i was kidding, of course i won’t betray you.”

            They live forever together ever after.


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